Foundation Grant

MPISD Foundation Presents Check

MPISD Foundation President Brad Lowry, Foundation Treasurer Vikki Goates, and Foundation Program Vice Present Becca Bell presented a check for $8,719.65 to MPISD Board President Yvonne Hampton. The funds will be used for Foundation teacher grants to be presented in January 2016.

MPISD Foundation Awards Educator Grants

The Mt. Pleasant ISD School Foundation awarded its first Educator Grants Wednesday, January 6. The grants, totaling $8,719.65, were presented personally by Foundation Board members to 17 teachers on six campuses. The presentations were made before morning assemblies of students and staff members, faculty meetings, in classrooms and before students and grant recipients gathered in…

Guaranty Donation

Guaranty Bank & Trust Donates to MPISD Foundation

Guaranty Bank and Trust and Pilgrim Bank have each donated $2500 to the Mt. Pleasant ISD School Foundation. The funds will be used to help fund Educator Grants. “We thank Guaranty and Pilgrims for these donations to help fund our Educator Grants,” said Foundation Executive Director Dr. Judith Saxton. “We gave out our first set…

Pilgrim Bank Donation

Pilgrim Bank Donates to MPISD Foundation

Guaranty Bank and Trust and Pilgrim Bank have each donated $2500 to the Mt. Pleasant ISD School Foundation. The funds will be used to help fund Educator Grants. “We thank Guaranty and Pilgrims for these donations to help fund our Educator Grants,” said Foundation Executive Director Dr. Judith Saxton. “We gave out our first set…